ECOBOLT Water Systems’ enhanced electro-oxidation technology is proven to destroy PFAS in addition to BOD, COD, ammonia, nitrates, pesticides, arsenic, PCB’s, endocrine disruptors and other contaminants.
Technology Capabilities
Electro-oxidation is effective on high and low TDS and therefore
can treat a broad make-up of water conditions.
Kills bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites
Oxidizes heavy metals including lead, arsenic, pesticides, pharmaceutical substrates, hormones and other carcinogenic elements
Breaks down and eliminates both organic and inorganic contaminants
Neutralizes foul odor: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane
Reduces scale formation, bio-films algae, and improves water color
Eliminates volatile and semi-volatile hydrocarbons
Replenishes dissolved oxygen
Reduces BOD, COD, TOC
Our Technology
The EcoBolt system uses an enhanced electro-oxidation technology that builds on eleven years of proven success using a chemical free patented electro-oxidation technology which has been effectively used in various sectors including oil and gas, cooling towers, agriculture, and mining.
Electro-oxidation is key to the sustainable destruction of PFAS in water
destroys PFAS molecules so there is no transfer of PFAS to other media, thereby eliminating costs for media purchase, transport, disposal or regeneration
uses no chemicals, produces no sludge, and the absence of filter media eliminates costly disposal
offers easy scalability
PFAS contaminated water treated with the EcoBolt system has shown up to 99% successful destruction. All testing is done by an EPA certified lab.